An 11-year-old boy's love for Great Yarmouth only deepened when he was made mascot for the town's football club.

Coventry native James Bowdley visits the Norfolk resort about five times every year with his family - and wants to live in the town when he grows up.

Occupying top spot on his bucket list for 2024 was watching Great Yarmouth Town FC, his favourite team, play a game at their home ground the Wellesley.

And his wish was granted on Saturday, February 10, when an invitation from the club saw James enjoy a tour of the stadium, meet the first team and lead the players out as club mascot ahead of the match against FC Peterborough.

Eastern Daily Press: Club mascot: James Bowdley led the Bloaters out ahead of their win over FC Peterborough on February 10. Club mascot: James Bowdley led the Bloaters out ahead of their win over FC Peterborough on February 10. (Image: Submitted)

To cap off a wonderful day, The Bloaters won the game 4-2.

James' mother, Sherrie Hambleton, said: "The team was so friendly with James. He was the happiest little boy you could ever imagine.

She added: "James has autism. He tends to struggle with meeting new people, but the team were that nice to him he never dropped his smile for the entire day."

READ MORE: Obituary - 'One of Norfolk's greatest local footballers'

Eastern Daily Press: James Bowdley, 11, with members of Great Yarmouth Town FC. James Bowdley, 11, with members of Great Yarmouth Town FC. (Image: Submitted)

In December, Ms Hambleton first contacted the club to say she was finding it hard to buy her son a Bloaters top as a Christmas present.

The club sent a full kit - and that is what James wore on his trip to the Wellesley.

Ms Hambleton said: "James loves Great Yarmouth. When he gets older he wants to live in Great Yarmouth.

"He wants to watch as many matches as he can get to," she added.

Eastern Daily Press: James Bowdley watches from the stand as Great Yarmouth Town FC play FC Peterborough on Saturday, February 10. James Bowdley watches from the stand as Great Yarmouth Town FC play FC Peterborough on Saturday, February 10. (Image: Submitted)

The family enjoys visiting Great Yarmouth because it is "a nice little seaside town".

Their next visit is planned for the Easter holidays at the end of March.

On the Bloaters' Facebook page, a post said: "We are so pleased you enjoyed your day young man you are welcome anytime."