The plot has thickened in an allotment row on the coast.

The Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Allotment Association (GYGAA) - which runs 14 sites across the borough - has responded to allegations of criminal damage, evictions and plot-holders urinating on each others' plots.

The association's committee has blamed gardeners "with a grudge" for digging up claims against them.

READ MORE: Aggro at the allotment! Threats, broken fences and peeing on each others' plots...

In an extraordinary 1,000 word statement, a spokesperson for the GYGAA said that their last AGM saw all positions on the committee - including chairperson, general secretary and treasurer - open to nominations.

None of the current committee intended to apply "due to the ongoing harassment they receive", they said.

"Not one person applied for any of the positions. That would suggest they would... rather remain in the background causing trouble," the spokesperson added.

Eastern Daily Press: The Tar Works allotments, Great Yarmouth. The Tar Works allotments, Great Yarmouth. (Image: Jamie Honeywood)

READ MORE: Battle lines drawn over allotments

The row centres on the running of the allotments, with several plot-holders accusing the committee of not dealing properly with allegations of bad behaviour and arguments between gardeners.

Several former and current plot-holders have claimed that when they take reports of rule-breaking to the committee, their complaints are "brushed under the carpet".

But the GYGAA said the majority of people making these allegations must "have a grudge against the association, as they are not people that the current committee have ever had any involvement with".

Norfolk Police are currently investigating a report of criminal damage after a fence at one plot was knocked down sometime between January 10 and 12.

The GYGAA spokesperson said: "Our committee work hard, unpaid, completely voluntarily and at their own expense often behind the scenes, to try make the allotments a welcoming place for all.

"As with society in general, there are disagreements and sometimes much worse."

They said they try dealing with disputes "in an open, transparent manner, which does occasionally lead to people being asked to leave their allotments".

"Sometimes this leads to heightened emotions due to the work people have put in over time," they added.