Since November 2023, students of the Sir John Leman High School drama club have been preparing a production of Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber and Sir Tim Rice's musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, which held its opening night last week on Wednesday 24th January.


Student of all ages, from year seven to year thirteen have been working tirelessly, rehearsing for at least an hour each week, but often more, in order to put on a show where "there was a great atmosphere and you could really see the time and dedication that went in", as I was told by Milly McCartney, who went to see the show on its opening night.


The cast, throughout their time preparing for the show, have become very close, forming tight friendships, and vowing to stay in contact even though the show held its closing night this Friday, specifically by continuing to attend the school's weekly drama club, and to be involved in any further upcoming productions. Another reason for the enthusiasm of the students can be credited to the hard work and dedication of two of the school's drama teachers, Mrs Mayers, and Mrs Forster, who were the visionaries behind this production, as well as the school's prior production, The Wizard of Oz.


Many of the cast members would admit that just over two months to put on a such a successful show was a momentous challenge, and although the ensemble were excellent, it would be impossible to accurately depict this feat without commending the commitment of the crew members. A band led by the incredible Miss Ellis, and a tech crew guided by Mr Riches truly helped the musical come together in its final rehearsals and consequently helped the audience enjoy a night to remember of high quality singing, acting and all-round production value. Moreover, the costuming used was simple but effective, with most of the cast wearing a brightly-coloured t-shirt and black trousers, creating a "visual delight".


After three nights of unbridled joy, an almost sold-out hall, and unforgettable memories created, the cast and crew of 'Joseph' are waving goodbye to the technicolour dreamcoat and eagerly awaiting their next theatrical extravaganza. Just you wait.