Christmas is a time for giving - and what better way to be generous than to dedicate a whole week to raising and giving money to charity? Well, the Sixth Form team at Sir John Leman High School are doing just that and bringing the festive mood to the school community. A series of events are produced throughout this final week of term, including staging small school productions each lunchtime for all year groups to see, which includes a spinoff of the popular reality TV show – ‘I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here’ nicknamed - ‘I’m A Teacher Get Me Out Of Here’.

In fact, that very production is one of the highlights of the week for many. Just like the real show, the lunchtime event includes three teachers eating unappetizing bugs and disgusting milkshakes, as well as delving their hands into mystery boxes to find stars and rack up their points and escape from the dreaded punishment that comes as a consequence for being last place. But aside from the punishment, both the teachers and audience thoroughly enjoy the production, with Year 10 student Grace Smith saying, ‘I’m a teacher get me out of here was filled with hilarious moments and suspenseful challenges I’d definitely watch again.’

RAG week is precisely about bringing joy to everyone during the Christmas period, whilst money is raised for important charities. The £1 entry into the productions allows the audience to experience colourful stage lights, epic music, confetti and even smoke machines on the stage. Grace Smith agreed that ‘RAG Week is undoubtedly the most entertaining event of the year. It truly has something for everyone.’ And everyone certainly enjoys the week’s activities before Christmas, which in my opinion is a fantastic way to end the school term.